Dear diligent job seekers, we understand how answering multiple interviews with different intimidating companies can sometimes be stressful. Aside from doing a lot of brainstorming about how to “sell” yourself to the employer, it is also a nerve-wracking activity to pick the best attire that might suit you well. Let’s face it, looks matter, especially if you are applying for a job position that requires exposures to clients such as front office, flight attendant, and some other.
There’s no doubt that you exerted a lot of effort to get the job. All the mock job interview that you did in front of the mirror every single night or the researches that you conducted on every company. And also all the time that you spent working out just to make yourself presentable during that most significant day of your life is impressive. It seems that you are already prepared! But, is your smile ready?
According to the British Dental Journal, there are known studies that show the link between employment and dental hygiene. Surprised? While the report might be ironic, it’s pretty clear – the looks affect how others perceive you. The study also concluded that the participants rate those who have discolored teeth as poor for social competence. Nevertheless, those with whiter teeth gain more favorable ratings. In addition, as the participants were given the photograph of those who have stained teeth, they perceived them as having a lower intellectual ability. Well, imagine smiling at your employer with discolored teeth. Surely, they might assume that you are less intelligent.
While this might sound awful, you have nothing to worry. We at Bedford Dental is here to help you achieve a beautiful, radiant smile to get started on your new job! Think about your teeth as a canvass that needs to be beautified. Our Zoom! Teeth Whitening can do magic to your dull-looking smile. After the procedure, a noticeable eight shades lighter teeth is ensured.
Remember that the smile says a lot about yourself. Maintaining it can bring you to success. Having your teeth whitened can increase your confidence in facing even the most intimidating employer.
Now that you know the secret on how to get hired, we would like to say congratulations! We are looking forward to your accomplishments. Don’t forget to close the interview with a winning smile. Okay?
Give your smile a boost! Book an appointment with Bedford Dental and check out our services under Teeth Whitening in Bedford Park, IL. We are located at 7250 S. Cicero Ave., Unit F, Bedford Park, IL 60629.